Solid, Marijke Jans Stories that motivate us Ruth Melisa Hinostroza Alarcón is a native of Munaypata, a small village located at 1 hour and 30 minutes from the city of Ayacucho, at an altitude of 2700 metres above sea level. At the age of 22, sh... JOVEM 18 Nov 2021
Solid, Marijke Jans Meet Yoselin - a young entrepreneur My name is Yoselyn Gomez Flores. I am 16 years old and I live with my parents and brothers in Manallasacc. I participated in the Jovem project. Initially, I was afraid to participate, but little by li... JOVEM Young entrepreneurs 18 Nov 2021
Solid, Marijke Jans Meet Luz Bertha - JOVEM L uz Bertha joined the JOVEM project in 2018 when she was in her fourth year of high school. She is currently a member of the group of advanced young entrepreneurs. She is still receiving technical ad... JOVEM Young entrepreneurs 18 Nov 2021
Solid, Marijke Jans Meet Enrique Hello, my name is Enrique Gómez Castro, I am 20 years old. I grew up in the community of Hatumpampa in the district of Los Morochucos, Cangallo, Ayacucho. My parents are also from Hatunpampa and are f... JOVEM 18 Nov 2021