Working together with the New Life Fund

Good news! The New Life Fund (managed by the King Baudouin Foundation) will support Solid with the purchase of 70 smartphones, that will go to the teenage moms who are involved in our social projects in Ayacucho, Peru.

The New Life fund is an organization that wants to support women who were victims of honour-related violence, forced marriages and female genital mutilation/cutting. Honour-related violence includes all forms of physical, psychological and sexual violence suffered by young girls or women and their children because of harmful and sometimes criminal traditions.

The phones could mean a lot for these young women. It is a way for our team to be connected to them and support them (especially in these times of Covid) because they often live in remote areas on the countryside. Secondly, it is an opportunity for those who wish to continue their education to have access to online education programs. In general, a phone is a connection to the outside world, information, learning opportunities etc. We are very thankful for this gift and we are sure it will make a real difference in the life of the young women.

Meet the partner - Cunina