Meet the volunteer - Eva

Meet the volunteer - Eva Koschmann


My name is Eva Koschmann and I am a second year student International Development Management. As part of my study program, I did a 10 week internship at Solid, at the head office in Gent. During my internship I mostly worked together with Céline, who is responsible for all the social projects.

The word spread fast within the team, that there was a new intern at the office, which gave me the chance to work with the other colleagues as well, with different backgrounds and tasks. The projects I worked on varied from Fundraising to helping with Communication, translating articles, helping a hand in preparing the new sampling books, working on Policies and so mucho more.

During my time at Solid I learned a lot about Solids projects and its impact, sustainability in the fashion industry and the current situation in Peru. Most importantly I learned how development work is being done to achieve long term results.

When working for Solid you can feel the motivation and passion all the employees have for their work and for the common goal of a better future for all the people they work with. That is truly inspiring! I could not have wished for a better organisation to do my internship with!


Discover more about volunteering @ Solid

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