Agricultural-technical training for entrepreneurial youth
The flight of promising youth from the countryside to the city is an increasing problem.
In the city, whilst chances of work are bigger, living conditions aren’t always better. At Solid we try to help these rural youngsters through skills training and promoting entrepreneurship, so that they, themselves, can create better opportunities in the countryside and obtain a higher quality of life.
Because they are the future!
The Collibri Foundation is our partner in this, making this project possible thanks to their financial support.
Agricultural techniques
Practical, hands-on training at Solid's Montefino farm.
Becoming an entrepreneur
Financial insights, and business knowledge.
Focus on personal development
Workshops and individual coaching throughout the whole program.
Focus on ecology and sustainability
Sustainable use of energy, soil and water.
Jovem is a 3-year agricultural-technical training course for entrepreneurial youth, age 15 to 23. Taking place at the weekends, Solid provides the students practical, hands-on training in a variety of agricultural techniques, at Solid's integral Montefino farm. Students are also strengthened in entrepreneurship skills and their personal development. Following the training, the students are equipped to start their own businesses and thrive independently. Becoming successful business owners from a young age they inspire their teachers, parents and communities and aspire to a better future, on the countryside.
Ecological sustainability is a core aspect of the training, woven in throughout. Topics such as sustainable soil management, the avoidance of erosion, sustainable water and energy use, sorting, recycling, compost use, environmentally friendly pest management, etc. are fully integrated into the project. Students are encouraged to grow local crops from the Andes, such as cañihau, kiwicha, mama or tarwi but also discover that strawberries and roses can be grown at over 3000 m.a.s.l.
students entered the program since the start
of graduates have a profitable business.
of students improve their self esteem, assertiveness and self-confidence.
Made possible with the
financial support of
Our impact
Having a durable impact is what counts! Read more about the businesses these youngsters set up, that changed not only their lives but inspire their communities.

The Montefino Farm
Located in the Andes, at an altitude of 3800 meters, the Montefino farm was originally set up as a training institute for farmers with dairy cattle. In recent years, activity at the farm has expanded rapidly, led by a local collective of 11 shareholders and supported by Solid. Montefino is now a comprehensive farm, with its own cheese factory and 49 hectares of cultivated fields with tasty organic strawberries, blueberries, cut flowers, and Andean crops like native potatoes and tarsi. Montefino also breeds pigs, guinea pigs, chickens and trout. The farm is now well known for its agrotourism activities, welcoming many visitors from the city, to experience the real Ayacuchan farm life. Every weekend Montefino also houses the JOVEM project, offering a variety of practical learning opportunities for the youngsters.